I always using 3D software , production software and whatever softwares
to complete my work,
to fulfill my imagination,
to create my creativity,
and the button we always use is...
Ctrl + Z = Undo Button
We do,
We made mistake,
We undo,
We redo.
I always said that the Undo Button is always the best button for me.
Some software are more convenient,
u can even choose which step you wanna return to.
The more i use the button, the more i scared.
Why and what i scared of?
I used to have the button to always undo my mistake,
and i will slowly assume the reality can also been undo.
When i made a mistake in the reality
and i will start finding where is the " Ctrl+Z" button are.
I wan to redo it, I wan to undo the mistake.
For example,
I draw a drawing with a marker,
suddenly i draw out of the line
and i will try to undo it.
But in the reality,
you will never find the Ctrl+Z button(undo),
you will have to face all the effects causes by your mistake,
you may need to sacrifices some of your things or priority
to cover back your own ass.
SO, i think that's somehow dangerous for me to used of the button
which is Ctrl + Z button in my life,
YOU and me better get rid of it
because u can only live for your life ONCE.